Tech Support Heirarchy

The first thing you need to know that is when you are calling for out-of-warranty support, it is HIGHLY unlikely you will actually be speaking with somebody from Packard Bell. The way it works is Packard Bell contracts with an out-source company (call center) to take all incoming out-of-warranty calls. This company is Client Logic (formerly known as Softbank), who will in no way admit to their partnership. However Packard Bell is not the only comapany that does this... Client Logic also provides support for Dell, Logitech, Symantec, Adobe and a bunch of other manufacturers. With that out of the way, here is the heirarchy:


TA (Technical Analysist): The TA is the first person you speak to when calling in to the 800 number. Don't attempt to get technical support/advice from them because they are just there to verify you are out of warranty and take your credit card information then forward you to a tech. TA's go through a 1 week training course. The only required qualifications are basic knowledge of PC's and terminology, so really don't ask them for help.

TSS (Technical Support Specialist): TSS are computer users that have a little more than a year of Windows 95/98 experience and some DOS skills. It would not be correct to say they are all worthless because there are a few smart cookies on the floor just wasting some time during college or using this job for a stepping stone. TSS go through a 4 week training course and must pass a minimum proficiency test at the end of that period before taking calls. The final exam is about half the difficulty of CompTIA's A+ exam.

L2 (Level-2 Tech Support): L2's are basically promoted TSS's. They are no smarter than the average TSS, but they have been there long enough to know the Packard Bell specific issues. They carry the same Packard Bell certification as TSS's and have no extra technical training. You, the customer, will NEVER recieve technical support from an L2. The L2 is there to provide assistance for TSS and process refunds. The only time you will speak with an L2 is when you insist to speak with a supervisor or request a refund (which usually will never get past the TSS).

QA (Quality Assurance): QA's are just people that listen in to the calls. They must QA all TSS once per week. Basically they are promoted L2'S with no more technical skills than the TSS... they are just people who have their noses in all the right places. You, the customers, will NEVER speak with a QA in any event.

THX (Technical Help eXperts): THX's are techs support for the TSS's. Basically, when a TSS is stumped they call the L2 and the L2 checks the notes real quick to see if the TSS has missed anything obvious. If the notes are good and proper troubleshooting has been done and the L2 cannot offer a fix then the TSS is transferred to THX. THX is usually pretty worthless, but once again, there are some smart people up there. You will never speak with THX unless...**see the dirty tricks section**

TRG (Technical Research Group): Nobody talks to these people. They are supposed to be computer-gods. They are the ones that create patches or workarounds to known issues or bugs.